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face n
1 a : outward appearance
b : the surface or superficial reading or meaning of something (as a document or statute) that does not take into account outside information [the of [the] deed reveals that she had two purposes in mind "State v. Rand, 366 A.2d 183 (1976)"] often used in the phrases on its face and on the face of [is…neutral on its face but has a discriminatory effect on women "Marcia Coyle"] [did not see on the face of the amendment that it was precisely directed at public as distinguished from private destruction "O'Brien v. United States, 376 F.2d 538 (1967)"]
2 : the inscribed or printed side of something (as a document)
: the front side of something inscribed or printed on both sides [the of a stock certificate]
3 : face value
Source: Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of Law ©1996. Merriam-Webster, Incorporated. Published under license with Merriam-Webster, Incorporated.