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FindLaw Legal Dictionary

The FindLaw Legal Dictionary -- free access to over 8260 definitions of legal terms. Search for a definition or browse our legal glossaries.



manifest adj

1 : capable of being readily perceived by the senses and esp. by sight [a injury]
2 : capable of being easily understood or recognized
: clearly evident, obvious, and indisputable [vacating an arbitrator's award because of the arbitrator's disregard of the law]
man·i·fest·ly adv

vt : to make evident or certain by showing or displaying [ing the intent to make a gift]
man·i·fes·ta·tion [ma-nə-fə-stā-shən, -fe-stā-]

n : a list of passengers or an invoice of cargo for a vehicle (as a ship or plane)

Source: Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of Law ©1996. Merriam-Webster, Incorporated. Published under license with Merriam-Webster, Incorporated.

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