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peremptory adj
[Late Latin peremptorius, from Latin, destructive, from perimere to take entirely, destroy]
1 : permitting no dispute, alternative, or delay
: not providing an opportunity to show cause why one should not comply [when the right to require the performance of the act is clear and it is apparent that no valid excuse can be given for not performing it, a mandamus may be allowed "Revised Statutes of Nebraska"]
2 : not requiring cause see also peremptory challenge at challenge
pe·remp·to·ri·ly [pə-remp-tə-rə-lē, -remp-tōr-ə-lē]
pe·remp·to·ri·ness [-remp-tə-rē-nəs]
n pl: -ries
: peremptory challenge at challenge
Source: Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of Law ©1996. Merriam-Webster, Incorporated. Published under license with Merriam-Webster, Incorporated.