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FindLaw Legal Dictionary

The FindLaw Legal Dictionary -- free access to over 8260 definitions of legal terms. Search for a definition or browse our legal glossaries.



probation n

[Middle French, critical examination and evaluation, from Latin probation- probatio, from probare to test, approve, prove]
1 a : subjection to a period of evaluation and possible termination at the commencement of employment in a position for which one's fitness is to be determined
b : subjection to a period of review in the course of employment or education as a result of a violation of standards and with the possibility of dismissal if standards are not met
2 a : the suspension of all or part of a sentence and its replacement by freedom subject to specific conditions and the supervision of a probation officer [it is the intent of the legislature that the granting of shall be a matter of grace conferring no vested right to its continuance "Michigan Statutes Annotated"] compare diversion, parole
b : probation as a sentence in itself
c : the period or state of being subject to probation [arrested while on ]
pro·ba·tion·al [-shə-nəl]

pro·ba·tion·al·ly adv

pro·ba·tion·ary [-shə-ner-ē]

Source: Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of Law ©1996. Merriam-Webster, Incorporated. Published under license with Merriam-Webster, Incorporated.

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