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proceeding n

1 : a particular step or series of steps in the enforcement, adjudication, or administration of rights, remedies, laws, or regulations: as
a : an action, hearing, trial, or application before the court

collateral proceeding
: a proceeding that concerns an order, motion, petition, or writ deriving from or sought in relation to another proceeding (as a trial) [a collateral proceeding on a motion to have the judge in a pending trial disqualified]
: one in which a collateral attack on a judgment is made [sought to avoid the effect of the judgment in a collateral proceeding after denial of a direct appeal]

core proceeding
: a proceeding (as one instituted by a debtor against a creditor) that is integral to the administration of a bankruptcy estate and so falls under the jurisdiction of the bankruptcy court

non-core proceeding
: a proceeding involving a matter that relates to a bankruptcy case but that does not arise under bankruptcy laws, that could be adjudicated in a state court, and over which a bankruptcy court has limited authority

special proceeding
: a proceeding (as for condemnation or disbarment) that may be commenced independently of a pending action by petition or motion and from which a final order affecting a substantial right may be immediately appealed [special proceedings created exclusively by statute where a special procedure is appropriate and warranted "Sosebee v. County Line Sch. Dist., 897 S.W.2d 556 (1995)"]

summary proceeding
: a civil or criminal proceeding in the nature of a trial that is conducted without formalities (as indictment, pleadings, and usually a jury) for the speedy and peremptory disposition of a matter

supplementary proceeding
: a proceeding to discover the assets of a judgment debtor
: a proceeding that in some way supplements another
b : a hearing conducted by an administrative body
c : a criminal prosecution or investigation

: an official record of things done or said

Source: Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of Law ©1996. Merriam-Webster, Incorporated. Published under license with Merriam-Webster, Incorporated.

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