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proxy n
pl: prox·ies
[Middle English procucie, contraction of procuracie, from Anglo-French, from Medieval Latin procuratia, alteration of Latin procuratio appointment of another as one's agent]
1 : the act or practice of a person serving as an authorized agent or substitute for another used esp. in the phrase by proxy
2 a : authority or power to act for another
b : a statement or document giving such authorization
: an oral consent or written document (as a power of attorney) given by a stockholder to a specified person or persons to vote corporate stock
3 a : a person authorized to act or make decisions for another [appointed a health-care ]
b : something serving to replace or substitute for another thing
Source: Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of Law ©1996. Merriam-Webster, Incorporated. Published under license with Merriam-Webster, Incorporated.