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servitude n

1 : a condition in which an individual lacks liberty esp. to determine his or her course of action or way of life
: the state of being a slave [involuntary ] see also Amendment XIII and Amendment XV to the Constitution in the back matter
2 : a right by which property owned by one person is subject to a specified use or enjoyment of another used chiefly in the civil law of Louisiana see also dominant estate and servient estate at estate compare easement

apparent servitude
: a predial servitude whose existence is perceivable by exterior signs or works (as an aqueduct or road) on the property

legal servitude
: a predial servitude that is created by a limitation under the law on the use of the property

natural servitude
: a predial servitude that arises from the situation of the estates (as from one being situated downhill from another)

personal servitude
: a servitude that burdens property in favor of a specific named person see also right of use, usufruct

predial servitude
: a servitude that burdens one item of immovable property (as a tract of land) in favor of another NOTE: A predial servitude is transferred along with the ownership of the dominant estate, and the servient estate is always taken subject to the servitude. A predial servitude cannot be transferred separately from the dominant estate.

Source: Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of Law ©1996. Merriam-Webster, Incorporated. Published under license with Merriam-Webster, Incorporated.

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