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FindLaw Legal Dictionary

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split vb

: to divide into parts or portions: as
a : to divide into factions, parties, or groups
b : to mark (a ballot) or cast or register (a vote) so as to vote for candidates of different parties
c : to divide (stock) by issuing a larger number of shares to existing shareholders usually without increase in total par value see also stock split
d : to divide (a cause of action) into separate parts or claims for the purpose of instituting an action for less than all NOTE: Splitting a cause of action is usually prohibited.
: to become divided or separated [the Supreme Court splitting five to four, sustained the law "R. H. Bork"]
adj 1 : divided into portions, parts, or fragments [a trial] [a stock]
2 : divided by or in opinion [a court] [a decision]

Source: Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of Law ©1996. Merriam-Webster, Incorporated. Published under license with Merriam-Webster, Incorporated.

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