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break vb

broke [brōk]
bro·ken [brō-kən]
break·ing [brā-ki]
1 a : violate transgress [ the law]
b : to invalidate (a will) by a court proceeding
2 a : to open (another's real property) by force or without privilege (as consent) for entry often used in the phrase break and enter [one who s and enters a dwelling-house of another "W. R. LaFave and A. W. Scott, Jr."]
b : to escape by force from [s prison or escapes or flees from justice "Colorado Revised Statutes"]
3 : to cause (a strike) to fail and discontinue by means (as force) other than bargaining
: to escape with forceful effort often used with out [prisoners wounded while attempting to out]

break in·to
: to enter by force or without privilege [an officer may break into a building "Arizona Revised Statutes"]

Source: Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of Law ©1996. Merriam-Webster, Incorporated. Published under license with Merriam-Webster, Incorporated.

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