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docket n
[earlier doggette docquet summary, abstract, of unknown origin]
1 a : a formal abridged record of the proceedings (as motions, orders, and judgments) in a legal action [the clerk shall keep a in each case "U.S. Code"]
b : a register of such records
2 a : a list of legal actions to be heard by a court [the nearly 500 such cases on court s "Rorie Sherman"] compare calendar
b : the caseload of a court [a great part of our consisted of regulatory agency cases "R. H. Bork"]
vt : to enter in a docket (as of a case or a court) [closure motions must be ed sufficiently in advance "W. R. LaFave and J. H. Israel"] compare calendar
Source: Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of Law ©1996. Merriam-Webster, Incorporated. Published under license with Merriam-Webster, Incorporated.