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trustee n
1 : one to whom something is entrusted
: one trusted to keep or administer something: as
a : a member of a board entrusted with administering the funds and directing the policy of an institution or organization
b : a country charged with the supervision of a trust territory
2 a : a natural or legal person to whom property is committed to be administered for the benefit of a beneficiary (as a person or charitable organization)
: the holder of legal title to property placed in a trust compare cestui que trust, settlor
b : one (as a corporate director) occupying a position of trust and performing functions comparable to those of a trustee
c : trustee in bankruptcy
trust·ee·ship n
vb trust·eed
: to commit to the care of a trustee
: to serve as trustee
Source: Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of Law ©1996. Merriam-Webster, Incorporated. Published under license with Merriam-Webster, Incorporated.